The Role of Da’wah in the Islamic Onslaught against Dar al-Harb
David Bukay
School of Political Science – The University of Haifa
On June 13, 2009, there was a debate on one of the Islamic Jihadist groups, al-Falluja Islamic forum, whether Muslims should kill American infidels in order to eat them. It was agreed that the Mujahideen inform their infidel and apostate enemies that “our soldiers lick their lips [at the thought of] eating the flesh of their hamburger Pepsi-eating soldiers…” it was also agreed that “the slaughter needs to be according to the Shari’ah, and in the model of Nick Berg decapitation video.” This is Jihad,
which has historical roots. It was Khalid b. al-Waleed, the notorious Muslim commander, and conqueror of Syria, Eretz-Yisrael and Egypt, who declared at the battle of Yarmuk (year 636): “we are a people who drink blood, and we know that there is no blood more delicious than the Byzantine blood.”¶m=JT;
In late May 2009, four terrorists were arrested for plotting to blow up Bronx synagogues and bring down an airplane. They were fresh converts to Islam from among American minorities. To that, Muslim organizations have immediately issued declarations of condemning the plot.
Fozia Khan, the American Muslim Women’s Association (AMWA):
We believe that violence has no place in our community and is in no way a part of the tenets of Islam… the people who commit these acts are misguided, ignorant and unaware of Islam’s ideology of peace and tolerance.
Salam al-Marayati, Director of the Muslim Public Affairs council (MPAC):
We are outraged over the alleged plan… we are shocked and dismayed that four Muslims planned to bomb synagogues… we condemn any act of violence against any faith in the name of Islam.
The capture of Bryant Neal “Ibrahim” Vinas, a convert to Islam from North Carolina in late July 2009, has brought Nayyar Imam, the leader of the Islamic Association of Long Island to declare:
We definitely condemn this kind of action and if anyone in the mosque knew about this they would have been the first one to report it to the authorities… the Muslims are Americans too and they are concerned about American security and American safety just as much as everyone else.
This is Da`wah, the other operational arms of Jihad to conquer and submit Dar al-Harb. We are well acquainted with Jihad, characterizing the globalization of Islamic terrorism. However, the atrocious acts of Jihad should not mislead and disorient us. While we can win over all sorts of Jihad terrorism, Da`wah is the secretive lethal enemy which we even are unaware of. It is the non-violent stealth strategy of coercion; it is the concept of missionary activity to proselytize; it is the propagation to approach the infidels in moderate, tender, graceful ways; and above all it is the religious legitimization basis to invite all human beings to believe in Islam as the only supreme religion.
Da`wah is intended to changing our minds and our behavior and to subverting our mode of thinking. It is a cultural coercive strategy aimed at toppling democratic liberal regimes and eliminating freedoms and civil rights; and by infiltrating Western technology and society’s fabrics with the aim to destroying them from within.
What are the religious sources of the Da`wah?
First, Allah deceives the infidels, being the best plotter. This is the supreme example for the believers to follow. If Allah deceives the infidels, believers have all legitimacy and justification to do so. Muhammad declared: Jihad is deceit, and indeed most of the wars he waged were accordingly. In peace, the best example he exhibited was Khudaybiyah Agreement in year 628. His behavior has become a code-word for Arabs and Muslims and taught them how to deal with the Kuffar.
Second, Taqiyah. According to Muslim exegetes, the concept of Taqiyah is an integral part of Islam, and not only a Shiite concoction. Literally it means concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, ideas, opinions and strategies. Contemporary Islamic politics places Taqiyah as a diplomacy, a multi-faceted propaganda strategy of how to deceive and mislead the Kuffar.
Third, Kitman principle, which means telling only part of the truth. Muslims are allowed to freely deny any part of the Islamic faith if it influences the Kuffar and help to promote the Islamic cause. This means that Muslims can swear allegiance to the US constitution or the Israeli Knesset without binding to it, since the inner belief of Islam is uppermost, and to Islam he ought his allegiance.
How does the Da`wah operate in reality?
Here is an Islamic manual for the activists in the US, published by brochures and pamphlets, and disseminate through internet sites. The Da`wah aim is to propagate in all fields and sources to exhibit that Islam is a religion of peace, compassion and harmony. This is perpetuated by the following aspects, with the assistance of Islamists in the academia, political experts, public opinion molders, and the communication media.
a) The educational system. This is the most important objective, with the aim to transform the educational system at all levels into venues for spreading Islam by encouraging the establishment of exclusively Muslim educational system; by studying Islamic religious teachings and Arabic language. The intermediate result will be eating Halal foods and celebrating Islamic holidays. On internet sites, there are working Tips for Imams and Community Leaders of how to bring Islam to the heart of the infidels, mainly by changing the Christian and Jewish youth attitudes and perceptions.
b) The political and public life. The aim is to take advantage of Western ignorance about Islam, and to use deceit in order to keep the Kuffar confused and at odds with each other, and at the same time to sow disarray and hostility among them. This realm is so important that it clearly exposes the Da`wah strategy to participate in politics and public life: to become a candidate in political posts; and to promote favorable legislations for Islam. The second strata are to actively engage in dialogues, discussions and debates in the academia, in the media, and in public, with proactive attitudes.
c) The Communication Media. The media has become an important tool how to instill Islam and Islamic life in the American public, and to serve as an attacking weapon to mould and to change reality by mere lying and distorting the facts about Islam: “your words are out-of-context;” “you do not understand Islam and its teachings;” “you do not know Arabic;” “it is a very personal interpretation;” “it is Islamophobic and racist;” “it is inaccurate interpretation of the Qur’an;” “it is a Zionist propaganda.” The order is never to give up in discussions and debates and to reiterate all the slogans about Islam. Let the entire world know that the terrorists have hijacked Islam; that they do not represent Islam and its teachings; and that Islam totally denounces and forbids violence and killing.
Under these, what is the Da`wah operational strategy?
a) Demography. It goes with two arms: immigration and high birth-rate. Oriana Fallaci, has eloquently elaborated the real issue:
Western public opinion and leaders are so naïve, thinking there is ‘moderate Islam’ as compare to ‘radical Islam.’ This is totally absolutely mistaken. There is only Islam, period. The real enemy is Islam and the most catastrophic threat is immigration not terror. It is immigration. They do not want to integrate… all other immigrants wish to integrate, to become citizens, a loyal part in their new society. They work hard, most of them abiding by the law citizens. They are not rioting aggressively and they are not tearing down the very fabric of the society.
Indeed, the central problem is assimilation. Muslims do not immigrate to assimilate, with the purpose of becoming citizens. They don’t want to be British or French or American. The ultimate aspiration of Muslims is total — a global dominion within the Islamic caliphate. All, be they so-called ‘peaceful Muslims’ or ‘radical Muslims,’ share in this goal. They do believe that Islam holds the solution to all mankind’s problems, and that mankind is to be subdued under Islamic rule.
In Western Europe, Muslim population is increasing many times faster than the rest, which means that by the middle of this century, Muslims will become the largest religious group in Europe. Unless the political culture of Western Muslims changes drastically, which is highly unlikely, the Islamization of Europe would become an inescapable reality, and these trends undoubtedly will spread to North America and Australia. As European Christianity declines, its churches become mosques. In Southern France, mosques are more numerous than churches. Schools serve Halal food. The high birth-rate, which is regular among Islamic communities, is also achieved by demanding the application of the Islamic polygamy in the West – marrying four women.
The Sunday Telegraph has published on August 8, 2009, a research by Adrian Michaels, proving that the EU will transform fundamentally by the Islamic demographic time bomb. Millions of Muslims will change the continent beyond recognition over the next two decades, and amazingly almost no policy-makers are talking about it. Europe’s Muslim population has more than doubled in the past 30 years and will have doubled again by 2015. In less than forty years one of five citizens in EU will be Muslim, and Britain, Spain and Holland will be the first.
b) Conversion. This strategy works successfully in poor neighborhoods, among the blacks and Hispanics. Especially convert the angry and the alienated, to turn them into militants messianic. No less important is to Islamize Christian and Jewish women by marriage and by promoting the Islamic law of marrying four women. A new documentary film, “New Muslim Call”, produced by Jenifer Taylor, exposes the phenomenon of pervasive conversion among Hispanic communities in the US.
The call to proselytize has become central in contemporary Islamic politics – in writings and sermons, on DVDs and websites. Muslim Internet sites play the most important role in the conversion project. It is not only permitted by Islamic exegetes, but even encouraged, including Wahhabi scholars. Clerics understand that the Internet is a crucial arena in the fight for the souls and minds of the infidels.
Muslim immigrants are considered part of the global Muslim nation, and to legitimize their presence in non-Muslim lands, it is stated they serve the political interests of Islam world-wide The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) operates the goals of Islamism, “seeks to obtain the pleasure of Allah through working for the establishment and propagation of Islam in all spheres of life. The motto is “Dawah: Inviting Mankind to Submit to the Creator” as a “top priority.“ However, under this title, ICNA promotes anti-Semitism, misogyny and Homophobia.
c) The Western Judicial system. Muslim activists and NGOs are busy with suing to court for defamation of the Islamic religion, or discrimination of the Muslims; or libel against Arab Islamic culture, whenever they find it possible. This is one of the vicious and atrocious but unfortunately very effective tool of the Da`wah. This is “legal Jihad,” with the aim to de-moralize and to intimidate. There is also the “libel tourism” which results in foreign judgments against Americans and Israelis. There is also the intimidation threat of suit against publishers and the communication media. The instances are unfortunately many, and the trend takes high speed. However, the most important strategy is to use all possible means to implement Islamic Shari`ah as a legal system – in stages and in small amount to swallow.
The Free World “reaction.” The folly of hedonism and appeasement prevails and hypocrisy combined with ignorance and political correctness, runs rampant: indeed, there are extreme verses as much as there are mild in the Qur’an, and this duality is found in every religion; indeed, there are radicals among the Muslims just as in all societies, but they are just a minority, even weeds. The majority is different. The relevant questions:
a) If that is the true situation – how do we know this? Are there any corroborating studies and data to substantiate this view? Or we only think this is the reality?
b) Even if a different peace-loving majority exists, is its voice heard? Does it influence policy and decision-making processes? Or is it only in our mirror imaged personality?
c) Where is public opinion voice, the political parties, the media, which prove there are other tendencies and voices? Or we just assume this is the situation?
d) How many peace movements, demonstrations and masses marching and rolling for peace and against terrorist perpetrators can be identified? Was any terrorist attack stopped even denounced by the so-called majority? Or is it our imagination alone?
e) How many pressure and interest groups are there which actively function against Islamic fanaticism and jihad terrorism? And if they do, to what extent do they influence? Or we just ignore reality out of politically correctness?
f) How many NGO’s are there acting against the terrorist organizations and preventing aid from their reach? Do they even try to stop terrorism and convince it is act against humanity? Or we just want to believe, we terribly wish that there are such?
g) If there are moderate peace-loving political leaders, where are they? What influence do they have? Is their voice heard? What do they declare after the horrible acts of terrorism perpetuated, except of blaming the US and Israel? Or is it all our mental blindness and denial?
h) Indeed, there are intellectuals and liberals condemning the atrocious terrorist acts. However, who controls the Islamic communities and in the streets? Which voice is heard and is written in the communication Media? Who is more influential and admired by the youth; in the madaris; in mosques and in the media? Who are their heroes?
And the biggest wonder of all – why do we always supply excuses and explanations to the horrific phenomenon we don’t understand culturally and are ignorant religiously? Or we just have a death wish?
1) Da`wah: Islamic Tolerance
Islamic Da`wah in the West exhibits Islam as a peaceful and tolerant, with the following perspectives: the political system of Islam is a liberal-democracy also not a secular one; all individuals are sovereign, equal before the law, and with full civil rights. No authority may deprive any citizen of his rights, and his opinion is decisive in formation of government; Islam does not accept a system which involves any kind of dictatorship nor does it accept a system of monarchy; Islam was the first institution ever to advocate and implement human rights as universal equality. In fact, Islam promoted the universality of the human experience over 1300 years before the United Nations; Islam grants basic human rights to all people, Muslims and non-Muslims, regardless of their race, nationality ethnic origin or language; Islam grants every woman the right to have her chastity respected and guarded under all circumstances; Islam grants the right to freedom of individuals. It is categorically forbidden to capture a free person and enslave or sell him into slavery; Islam recognizes absolute equality between people; In time of war, Muslims are prohibited from opening hostilities without declaring war against the enemy; Islam set an unprecedented standard for the ethics of dealing with captured enemies, yet to be imitated in history; All forms of violence are forbidden. “Jihad” as an aggression against innocent is terror and unjust and a great distortion (
This is the Da`wah. What is the reality?
a) Religious Aspect. The few verses in the Qur’an that preach for tolerance are all from the Meccan period, when Muhammad was weak, his followers were few and he was under the threat of wiping out by the Meccan. After he left Mecca, the Hijrah to Medina, when he became military occupying leader, the prophetic commandments were to engage in jihad war in the way of Allah against all non-Muslims (e.g. 9:5, 29, 73; 47:4). The Muslim legal theory states that Islam cannot exist together with idolatry. This is Shirq (association of other deities with Allah). The Muslims are ordered to fight polytheists until they say there is no God but Allah; to slay the idolaters and behead them (8:12; 47:4); to terrorize Islamic enemies by Allah‘s commandment (3:151; 8:12, 60; 59: 2). The Muslims succeed since Allah commands acts of terror against unbelievers by jihad as the means of creating the Islamic Ummah (2:193; 2:216; 3:167-8; 4:88-9; 8:39; 9:67-8, 93; 66:9).
b) No Recant from Islam. Islam is ever-compelling and ever-coercing religion, and he who wishes to leave Islam – a death penalty is exercised upon him. This is most important issue to observe Islamic “tolerance:” if one cannot leave his own religion freely, do we need more proofs about its tolerant attitude? The Ridda war in 632 was the example, when tribes wanted to leave Islam after Muhammad’s death, and they were viciously forced by Jihad war to reunite. This became a Muslim decree – nobody leaves Islam, and he, who does so, the penalty is death.
c) Treatment and Status of the Mawali. Conversion to Islam was not enough to being equal to the Arabs. The social inferiority of the non-Arab converts was shown by the word given to them: Mawali (s. Mawla) – client members of fictitious Arab tribes, their status was much inferior to that of the Arabs, and they were despised. They had to pay the land tax (Kharaj) and poll tax (jizyah), although as Muslims they should have paid only Zakat. They also were not allowed the same rights to booty and land purchase.
d) Arab Sense of Superiority on other Muslims. Originating from their tribal traditions; their inflaming language; proud of the Qur’an written in Arabic and given to them by an Arab prophet, and the Islamic prayer is in Arabic – Arabs take the stand of being the best over other Muslims. Ignaz Goldziher discusses the clash between some of the Qur’an’s egalitarian conceptions and the “ever increasing arrogance and racial presumptions of the Arabs.”
e) Arab Colonialism. The age of Arab conquests in the 7th and 8th centuries reveals a pure policy of imperialism and colonialism, through the racial policy of Arabization and Islamization of the conquered areas of the Middle East. This policy was much harsher and indiscriminate than that of the Western imperialism, since the Muslims changed deliberately the religious and ethnic character of the inhabitants, being mostly Christians. Non-Arab Muslims were regarded as inferior and subjected to series of fiscal, social, political and cultural disabilities, by the status of Dhimmis. The same imperialist process occurred during the Ottoman Empire, especially against the peoples of the Balkans and East Europe.
f) Slavery and Slave Trade. Although the Qur’an emphasizes that all human beings were created from a single soul (49:13), Muslims are allowed to enslave, own and sell human beings, provided they are not Arabs. Islam has institutionalized slavery, and authorized taking slaves as spoils of war, as a reward for Jihad. Slaves booty are Allah-given right (25:6; 29:30; 33:50), and Muslims are allowed to enslave girls, as concubines (23:5-6; 70:29-30). Hadeeth al-Bukhari deals extensively with slavery – trade, taxation and jurisprudence. Ibn Malik’s book of Islamic jurisprudence, al-Muwatta’, is full of regulations on dealing with slaves, like merchandise, like sale of animals. For Ibn Taymiyah prisoners of war are bounty and it is lawful to kill infidels or to enslave them and to take women and children into captivity, provided they are not Arabs, because of the nobility of the Arab race.
Also Slavery has been rife throughout the ancient history practiced by most civilizations Bernard Lewis claims that the Arabs were salient in this institution. In Arabic, black Africans are called Sudan, a word meaning black, and the whole area of Africa is called Bilad al-Sudan. The Arab word ‘`Abd’ was in general use to denote a black slave while the word ‘Mamluk’ referred to a white slave. Black Africans were transported to the Islamic empire by millions, over 600 years before Europeans arrived. The racial stereotypes concerning blacks are abundant: stupidity, viciousness; untruthfulness, ugliness, dishonesty, dirt and filth, evil smell, dumb like animals (Race and Color in Islam, pp. 96-101). Allan Fisher has analyzed the vast Islamic slave trade in Africa. Over 30 million black Africans have died at the hands of Muslim slave traders or ended up in Islamic slavery. Islam dominated the slave trade from the 7th to the 15th Century, and still today there are few parts that slavery exists.
g) Relations between Men and Women. There are passages in the Qur’an declaring that Allah created man and woman equal, but only when it comes to faith and believing (4:124; 7:189; 16:72,97; 42:11; 53:45). However, reality is totally different, and women are compared to a field, “so seed them as you intend” (2:223). Men may marry four women (4:3); men have more rights regarding divorce (2:226-8); man’s inheritance is a portion of two females (4:11); men are in charge of women, and are permitted to beat their wives and may admonish and banish them; women must be obedient to their husbands (4:34). They are natural object of sex (7:81; 27:55; 29:29), and must keep their purity and virginity and put on the veil (4:15; 33:59); Allah created for men spouses so that they might have their repose in them. In paradise, women await men for sensual gratification, and not vice-versa.
The Saudi columnist, Maha Fahd al-Hujailan; Arab society treats women as “devoid of personality,” and that women’s harsh situation reflects important part of Arab and Muslim culture. The Egyptian intellectual, Nawal al-Sa`dawi: Islamic legal code discriminates against women. Rape and kidnapping of girls are their blame and males are not punished. In order to avoid social disgrace, girls who were raped are destined into a miserable daily humiliation, and in many cases a murder. The Saudi novelist, Wajiha al-Huweidar: in all Arab regimes women are considered a property from cradle to grave. Most Arabs still classify women as having only partial sense, permit beating and banishing them, permit their caging, treating them like animals, even allow them to be bought and sold. For the Tunisian psychologist, Dr. Iqbal al-Gharbi, women are typified by lack of knowledge, lack of freedoms, and lack of gender equality, as a primitive nature of social relations, out of fear of divorce.
“Honor killing” still occur and pervasive even with increasing numbers in Europe and the US. Women, who bring shame to their families because of illicit sexual activity (Zina), are butchered. This issue is above all cultural which is typical of tribal societies, who view women as nothing more than a burden. However, fornication is legally allowed by the temporary marriage costume (`Urf in Sunni society, and mut`ah in Shiite society).
In many Muslim societies there is also the practice of circumcising girls, or female genital mutilation. According to demographic surveys, 97% of married women were circumcised between the years 1995 and 2001; 100-130 million girls in Africa have been so mutilated.
h) Relations to Captives and Prisoners of War. The Qur’an is explicit by stating that no apostle should take captives until he has battled and subdued the country, which clearly means that every war fought by Islam against the infidels is a total war. Ibn Rushd analyzed the four Islamic School of Jurisprudence’s policy toward prisoners of war: The Maliki School forbade to slay women and children provided they did not fight; the Hanafi School permits only the aged people not to be slain; the Shafi`i School permits all these categories to be slain; and for the Hanbali School women and children constitute a property and it is valuable to take them as captives and slaves.
The fate of the defeated people was exemplified in the case of India after its conquest: millions of Hindu prisoners were being slaves and sold in markets; they were forced to convert to Islam, and massacred in large numbers. Timur Lang’s killing of 100,000 Hindu prisoners in one day is unparalleled in history. In other places hundreds of thousands were murdered just because they were infidels. The Ottoman Empire was the decapitation state par excellence.
2) Da`wah: Islam and democracy are compatible
The Islamic Da`wah claims that Islam and democracy are compatible, and even that the Islamic values are the source of the democratic perceptions. How democracy is compatible with the Qur’an? Islamic Propagators use four assertions: a) Shurah (consultation) as if it functions in Islam as a parliamentary Western political system. b) Ijma` (consensus) of the Islamic community, as if there is in Islam social and political pluralism based on majority rule. c) Ijtihad (innovative interpretation), as if there is readiness in Islam to absorb opposing values and conceptions. d) Hakmiyah (sovereignty), as if it expresses political pluralism and participation of the people.
These fraud claims are forwarded without any substantiation or corroboration. However, Shurah refers in Islam only to the old tribal system of an advisory council of the elders, and has nothing to do with Western perceptions. Ijma` is a tribal framework made up of only the “council of the wise men”. And only their voice and their vote is binding for the decision-making processes. Ijtihad is totally different from the fraudulent Islamic propaganda. The gates of Islamic innovative interpretations were closed in the eleventh century, due to the deep Muslim conviction that there is nothing outside Islam that is unknown and there is not a thing or set of conceptions that is worthy to be included in Islam from the beginning of history to the end of the world. Hakmiyah in fact belong to Allah alone and dictated only by him. There is no other sovereignty on earth other than Allah‘s.
The reality is that Arab-Islamic history as much as contemporary clearly exhibit: There is anything but not democratic liberal processes; There were no and never were sovereign states led by electorate people; There are certainly not civic society, citizen’s rights and freedoms; All that is found are authoritarian regimes and patrimonial leadership; Social miserability and economic wretchedness are the dominant situation; the leadership was always the prerogative of the ruling elite (mainly religious and military), coercive and subduing, and the people have never been the electing and sovereign, and never participated in politics.
The fact is that Islamic exegetes agree as a consensus: democracy must accept Allah’s rule and sovereignty; where Islamic religion makes law, there is no democracy; the concept of majority rule cannot exist in the Islam; Islamic law decides exclusively over all areas of life; accepting Western values is tantamount to apostasy; Islam includes the whole human wisdom to the end of history, and there is absolutely no need from outside sources; Shari`ah must replace all other forms of law and government, and it is the total and only law permitted for humanity.
Islam is the very antithesis of Western democracy, and its concepts are rejected. Islam means submission and devotion to Allah alone. Democracy means totally the opposite. For the Muslim believers Islam has all universe wisdom and contains everything in life from the beginning of the world to the end of history.
Abu al-A’la al-Mawdudi
Islam is contrary to secular Western democracy based solely on the sovereignty of the people. Islam has the full answers to all humans needs, and the only democracy is Allah’s.
Sayyid Qutb
The Islamic state must be based on the Qur’anic principle of the Shari’ah. It is complete as a legal and moral system and no further legislation is possible or necessary to the end of history.
The reality is that in Arab-Islamic history as much as contemporary there is anything but not democratic liberal processes; there are no sovereign states led by electorate people; and there are certainly not civic society, citizen’s rights and freedoms. All that is found is authoritarian autocratic regimes and coercive patrimonial leadership that create social miserability and economic wretchedness. Moreover, Islam wishes to subordinate democracy to Islam’s principles, and not to become democratic; it seeks to rule the world and not to recognize its diversity and pluralism. The conclusion is clear: Islamic phenomenon is much more lethal and might lead us all to subordination to a totalitarian fascist monster that wishes to bring the world back to the 7th century.
3) Da`wah: Islam promotes civil society
The concept “civil society” is Western in its origin and in its context, like the state and democracy. From the institutional standpoint, civil society is made up of non-state actors and non-governmental organizations, which have been developed in the community. It is institutionalized through individual rights and social differentiation.
Its meanings are: Political and regime tolerance; Recognition of the rights and freedoms of the individual; Legal restrictions on arbitrary intervention by the state.
We may discern three civic situations: weak civil society: state control on freedom of assembly; stronger civil society, that organizes itself through assemblies that are not linked to the state; strong effective civil society, which can qualitatively determine the path of the government’s policy, or exerting influence to shape and direct it.
In the Middle East, on account of Arab culture, the Islamic traditions and developmental values, a civil society did not and yet is not ready to exist. The problem is not whether there are settings that can be interpreted as fitting the existence of a civil society, but rather their qualitative functioning.
Several basic conceptions underlie civil society to compare to Islam:
a) In the Middle East, the state is a weak social institution. The survival of the government stands above all and depends on the military.
b) Individualism is at the center and not collectivism, as much as the rights and freedoms of man. However in the Middle East, the inclination is toward conformity of thinking and operational collectivism with ascriptive loyalties.
c) The Middle East is characterized by governmental tyranny and social fatalism, without legitimate criticism. Challenging the government, even opposition is conceptualized as rebellion and unbelief.
d) In the Middle East, social suspicion and political cynicism are the dominant trait. The politicization of every field of society increases the weaknesses of social interaction, and prevents mobility.
4) Da`wah: Islam is peace loving compassionate religion. This is perhaps the most pervasive argument made by Islamists, as to exhibit Islam almost a pacifist religion. Concerning Islamic conquests, the Islamic Cultural Center in Tempe, Arizona published pamphlet that declares “There is no historical proof that Islam was spread by the sword. Even non-Muslim scholars now admit that this is a vicious myth which cannot be substantiated by historical facts.”
However, Islam came into being as a fighting religion. Muhammad imposed his authority by means of his military strength, by fighters with drawn swords. Islam established an empire even before it crystallized as a systematic religion, being an imperial fighting religion. Terrorism is not a new Islamic discovery. It appeared as an effective tool from the beginning of its history. Most of Islamic history was an organized terrorism for political and military objectives, designed to undermine the security of their opponents, and to serve as a shockwaves to influence their surroundings. This means today are employed by utilization of indiscriminate terrorism, the jihad of homicide bombers, lynching and slaughter.
The age of Arab conquests in the 7th and 8th centuries reveals a pure policy of imperialism and colonialism, through their racial policy of Arabization and Islamization of the conquered areas of the Middle East (Blankinship, Khalid, The End of the Jihad State; Donner, Fred, The Early Islamic Conquests). From the 11th century, Muslim massacred large groups up to 80 million in India, quoting the Qur’an‘s order to have slain the idolaters (M.A. Khan, Islamic Jihad). The Ottoman Empire was the decapitation state par excellence, mainly in the Balkans and Eastern Europe.
There is also the issue of beheadings, Muslim propagators deceive Westerners and sell false reality, like “beheadings are not mentioned in the Qur’an at all”; “there is no religious imperative for this”; “beheadings do not represent the tenets of Islam.”
Here is the short Islamic history record: The ritual beheading has a long precedence in Islamic theology and politics, as the cultural favorite form of execution. The practice of slitting the throats of the opponents meant to reassure rulers; to terrorize foes; to secure alliances; and to impress the masses of the power imposed by the ruler.
In the famous battles of early Islam, Muhammad ordered to cut-off the heads of the enemy leaders, and to put them on swords. Ibn Sa’d featured how the Muslims have dealt with Muhammad’s enemies: they cut off one of Muhammad’s enemy head and took it with them, and they cast his head before Muhammad, and he (Muhammad) praised Allah on him being slain (Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, vol. 2, p. 37). The beheadings of the 700 Banu-Quraythah’s Jewish tribe. In 680, the head of Hussein bin ‘Ali was cut-off, put on a silver platter, and sent to Damascus, including the heads of all of Hussein’s family.
During the Muslim occupation of Syria in 634, 4000 Christians were massacred; in Mesopotamia between 635 and 642, all Monasteries were destroyed and Monks were slain. In Egypt the Muslim conquerors slaughtered large groups of Christians, including women and children. The Abbasids while taking control of the Islamic empire beheaded and massacred the Umayyads, their own brothers of religion, to the last person and baby.
Yusuf b. Tashfin conquered Western Sahara and central Spain, and after the battle of Zallaqa in 1086, he had 24,000 of the defeated Castilians beheaded, piled up and sent to all the major cities of North Africa and Spain.
In 1842, the Afghans massacred 2000 British soldiers in Kabul, including their wives and children, by slitting their throats and hanging their heads on the walls of the city. In Sudan, in 1880, Muhammad Ahmad declared himself Mahdi and led Jihad against the Ottoman Empire, by beheading his opponents, Christian and Muslim alike. There is also the Armenians genocide; and the Sudan against the Christian Negroids in the South, and recently id Darfur.
In the last generation combative Islam directly influences the lives and thoughts of millions of believers. It has re-discovered the way to fight the enemies of Islam: by combination of education to hatred and zealotry, and of martyrdom of violence, with cheap, unsophisticated explosive weapons. These acts of horror that indiscriminately strike at innocent people are for us terrorism, but for the Muslims it is jihad, the holy war for the sake of Allah, with its world-wide aspiration.
Islamic Da`wah is a threat to the Free World not only because it does not accept the basic principles of freedoms and civil rights; not only because it has a totalitarian agenda that does not recognize any boundaries, since everything stems from Allah and his will dictates all way of life; but because the Muslims really and deeply believe in the message of Islam to rule the world. Jihad and Da`wah are the means to the end-result of Islamic world hegemony.
The Free World is facing an overt enemy, which is Jihad, and a covert enemy, which is Da`wah. This formidable enemy hide in a Trojan horse constitutes an imminent danger to the Free World’s basic freedoms that it is imperative to revisit all devices needed in order to legally defeat its subversion of the democratic system. Muslims living in Western democracies, most of them escapees of the misery and humiliation of Islamic countries, exhibit shamelessly demands that their benevolent hosts surrender their liberties by legalizing and adopting the Shariah, which immediately means ruling the whole pattern of life of the non-Muslims and submitting them.
Muslims were and still are allured by the win-win promise of Muhammad’s call: you kill and conquer territories – you get the booty from your victims in this world; you get killed in Jihad war for the sake of Allah – your abode will be the glorious paradise of Allah. However, of no less important is the other side of the coin – the deep belief that earth belongs to Allah and all humanity must submit to the Muslims. Therefore, it is the personal duty of the Muslims to accomplish this mission by Da`wah, as much as by Jihad, according to the circumstances fi Maslahat al-Islam (in the interest of Islam).
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