Islam means Peace
When the news of Osama bin Laden’s Islamic end reached the Indian territory – a safe sanctuary for Islamic terrorists for the last 1300 years, a ruling Congress party politician (Hindu in name only, but Muslim to the core) was much upset as if he had lost his loving brother all of a sudden. When he came to know that Laden’s “holy” corpse was thrown into the sea water, he was even more saddened, the reason being that Laden’s dead body was not disposed of as per the Islamic rituals. He even went so far as to calling terrorist Osama “Osamaji” and paid him a heartfelt tribute. Let me clarify here that in Hindi and other Indian languages suffix “ji” after a person’s first name or family name is added to show respect to that person, for example, Sinaji, Asgharji, Mirzaji, Soniaji, Gandhiji,
and of course Ladenji. There was much hue and cry in Indian media after this incident, as media wanted to prove that Laden had nothing to do with Islam. However, both the politician in question and media were correct.
The politician was CORRECT and his concern was earnest because Ladenji was a true Muslim following Muhammad and his tome in word and spirit.
On the other hand, the media was POLITICALLY CORRECT.
Yes, Laden was a real Muslim. Those who call him a radical or extremist Muslim do not know Islam. Dr Ali Sina observes that there are two classes of Muslims: the ‘real’ Muslims and the ‘wishy-washy’ Muslims. The real Muslims are the ones who follow the Quran and the examples of Muhammad in every walk of life. Ultimately, they become terrorists. They are not ‘radicals’ or ‘extremists’. They are ‘good, modest and obedient’ Muslims who take their faith seriously. The wishy-washy Muslims are weak in their knowledge and faith. The wishy-washy Muslims are not ‘moderate or progressive’ Muslims, but as the real Muslims call them, they are “hypocrite”. They often know what Islam requires from them, but they lack courage to be real Muslims, to go to Jihad, to sacrifice luxuries and comforts and become martyr in the way of Allah.
Whenever any Islamic terrorist outfit hits India – be it Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai or Hyderabad, these politically correct useful idiots, that is these so-called Indian national leaders, keep mum and as soon as terrorists’ local aides (local Muslims in each and every incident) are caught in connection with the Islamic terrorist attacks and their crime is established, these so-called leaders break their silence and the first two sentences that come from their foul mouth are:
(1) Islam has nothing to do with terrorism, and
(2) Islam means peace.
However, when these non-Muslims say “Islam means peace,” know for sure that they are either ignorant of real Islam or politically correct.
On the other hand, Islamists use “Islam means peace” very cunningly as the most powerful weapon in their armory.
Whenever they write about Islam or whenever they are in the tight corner while debating, they invariably take recourse to this patent sentence. Whenever you hear a person speak this sentence, try to find out what he/she wants to convey through this three-word sentence. Be careful and pay attention to each and every word an Islamist utters or writes. Let’s find out the truth behind this sentence.
While writing, Islamists write, “Islam” means “peace”
While speaking, they say, “Islam” means “piece”
When an Islamist writes the sentence “Islam means peace”, he/she wants to convey that the religion called Islam is peaceful, promotes peace, and prefers peace to violence. But when you ask for an instance of how/when Islam brought peace, they cannot bring up a single instance from the 1400-year old history of Islam to prop up their claim.
“Islam” does not have any meaning of “Peace”. In Arabic, the word “Islam” has its roots in “Aslam” and “Sallam”. Both convey “Submission” and not “Peace”. The word for “Peace” in Arabic is “Salam” and has its origins in “Silm” which is a state of peace, not war.
Here is the real meaning of Islamic concept of peace.
Islamic understanding of peace means submission or surrender. Peace comes (according to Islam) only after one surrenders or submits one’s self. Submission or surrender to whom? – Submission to only Allah (Islamic God) and his messenger Muhammad. Therefore, peace (Islamic) exists only inside the Dar-ul-Islam—the house of submission, after the non-Muslims’ conversion to Islam. This is the ultimate meaning of Islamic peace.
Peace with non-Muslims (Hindus, Buddhists, idolaters, etc) and the People of the Books (Christians and Jews) is impossible in Islam. According to Quran and its teachings, they should be given a chance/ invitation to accept Islam or be subjugated and killed, if necessary. People of the Books (Christians and Jews) are to be fought against until they are subdued. Here is what Holy Quran says:
9:29: “Fight those who believe not in Allah, nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Books (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued”.
To claim that Islam is a religion of peace is utterly untrue. Islam is committed to war, both by the example of Prophet Muhammad (who fought against pagans and also against other tribes and religions until he subdued Mecca and Medina) and by the Quranic teachings supported by numerous Sahi hadiths. The Quran does teach that Muslims are never to initiate war, but Muslims are supposed to offer non-Muslims an opportunity/invitation to embrace Islam. If the non-Muslims refuse to accept Islam, this refusal is considered aggression against Allah and Islam. Therefore, Muslims are legitimately allowed to fight those aggressors until they are either converted or killed.
Islamists have been given a licence to lie and deceive non-muslims (to follow Quranic taqiyya) to promote Islam as a “Peace” religion. In fact, when they say/speak, “Islam” means “piece,” they are 100% correct. Islam is a “Piece” religion in the sense that Islamists will cut you “piece” by “piece” if you try to expose the real face of Islam or decline their invitation for you to become Muslim when they are powerful enough.
So, next time when you come across the sentence “Islam means peace”, do not take it to mean that a religion that came into being 1400 years ago and that was given a name ‘Islam’ by Muhammad was meant to promote peace in humanity or is peaceful today.
Let’s take Sanskrit word “Krishna” for example.
The word “Krishna” means “black.” Only a lunatic fool will believe that people named Krishna must be black.
Let’s take another example of the Sanskrit word “Amrita.”
The word “Amrita” means “Immortal.” Now will you believe that a girl/woman named Amrita will never die, or a boy/man named Amrit will remain immortal?
What I mean to say is that the sentence “Islam means peace” per se does not make Islam peaceful.
Once you show an Islamist the violent verses in the Quran, he will cite early Meccan verses advocating peace and no compulsion in religion. If Islam is really a religion of peace, what are the violent verses doing in the Quran? In fact, these verses are the words of Muhammad, and God can’t have given them to Muhammad. Can we say Allah (Muslims’ God) has revealed these jihad verses for Muhammad and his followers to put into practice? All those who believe in God or do not believe in God know that God, if it exists, cannot be so incompetent that he cannot deal with the unbelievers directly.
If Allah is all-powerful and can do everything on his own, why did He hire Muhammad & Co to slay the unbelievers on His behalf? Has Allah been too busy to find time to deal with the wrong-doers for the last 1400 years?
Muslims say that Allah is oft-forgiving and merciful. Whom do we forgive and to whom do we show mercy? The obvious answer is: We forgive those who have done wrong to us. We show mercy and pity to those who is in pathetic condition. But do we find these traits in Allah and his lieutenant Muhammad? Allah and Muhammad do quite the opposite. We must admit that Muhammad was a fallible mortal being, but Allah (Muslims’ God) must not be. Why didn’t Allah advise Muhammad to forgive Asma, old Abu Afak, Kab bin al-Ashraf, and the innocent hardworking Jews of Madina? Allah orders Muhammad to kill those who are reluctant to believe in Him and His yes-man on the earth. (5:33. 8:39-40, etc)
So, when an Islamist says “Islam means pence”, he is lying to deceive you. Lying as a strategy to advance Islam is called “taqiyyah” or “holy deception.” Under taqiyyah, a Muslim is allowed to lie and say anything to pull the wool over the eyes of the non-Muslims and deceive them. Let’s read what Imam Ghazali (1058-1111), arguably the greatest Islamic scholar ever, says:
“Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying because there is no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if to the goal”. [Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri, The Reliance of the Traveller, translated by Nuh Ha Mim Keller, Amana publications, 1997, section r8.2, page 745]
It is needless to say that for a Muslim there is no other praiseworthy goal than promoting Islam.
While lying against Allah and his lone prophet is punishable, lying to non-Muslims plays an important role in the Sunnah of Muhammad found in many of the traditions. There are many examples of just how Muslims are to deal with ‘infidels’ and even how critics are to be dispensed with. Muhammad himself allowed lying.
Bukhari Vol 5 Book 59 Num 369
Allah’s Apostle said, “Who is willing to kill Ka’b bin Al-Ashraf who has hurt Allah and His Apostle?” Thereupon Muhammad bin Maslama got up saying, “O Allah’s Apostle! Would you like that I kill him?” The Prophet said, “Yes,” Muhammad bin Maslama said, “Then allow me to say a (false) thing (i.e. to deceive Kab)” The Prophet said, “You may say it.”
Ka’b was a critic of the prophet. He and others publicly narrated satirical poems ridiculing Muhammad and the Muslims. Muhammad’s response is preserved in Islamic traditions and serves as a model for Islamic behavior towards ‘infidels‘ who notice and comment on troubling aspects of Muhammad’s idea of the divine or his executive decisions and personal actions. Ka’b had made the mistake of “injuring” the prophet and Allah, and for no worse a deed than writing a satirical poem, was murdered by the followers of the prophet. In order to get close to Ka’b, Muhammad permitted his followers to lie. Ka’b was murdered by men who had earlier been his very own friends.
Quran 3:28 says Muslims are not allowed to take friends from amongst the non-Muslims.
On this verse [3:28] ibn Kathir, the most eminent tafsir writer of the Qur’an, writes: “Do not befriend the deniers (i.e., the non-Muslims), even if they are among the closest relatives. In case of danger, Allah allows Muslims to show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly. The taqiyya is allowed until the Day of Resurrection. Allah has reserved unremitting torment for those who give their support to His enemies and those who have enmity with His friends”.
In simple language, ibn Kathir says it is all right to tell lies/adopt deception for the sake of Islam.
Source : here
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